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Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Some Reasons Why Many Americans Do Not Support Donald J. Trump

He is a demonstrated liar.
He divides Americans against each other.
He disrespects people, including our allies.
He does not adhere to the traditional protocols of the Office of the President.
He falsely calls the media “the enemy of the people”.
He creates and lives in an “alternate reality”, where “facts” don’t exist unless they’re “pro-Trump”.
He pretends to care for his base but he cares primarily for himself.
He “plays” his supporters and all Americans.
He admires totalitarians and dictators.
He oftentimes “exaggerates” achievements, etc. , in lieu of his usual outright lies.
He treats women as objects for his selfish sensual pleasure.
He doesn’t honestly respect women and oftentimes demeans them.
He creates political and social fights specifically designed to gain media attention and earn “political points” from his base.
He claims to be patriotic but he is not. Patriots try to unite Americans, not divide them.
He embarrasses America at home and abroad with his impulsive actions and crass attitude.
He embraces and promotes Russia and Putin for some reason(s) we don’t understand.
He alienates our allies.
He caters to his base, and to hell with the rest of Americans.
He has a history as a womanizer and adulterer.
He has been accused of sexual and physical abuse.
He is labeled a possible draft dodger based on his supposed history of “bone spurs”.
He has exhibited such behavior that he has been termed a braggart, a narcissist, and a racist.


Trump has a mesmerizing effect on some segments of the population, and at his “rallies” he exploits this to the hilt. He loves to hear them chant “Trump, Trump, Trump” as he whips them into a frenzy. However, sadly, Trump could care less about these people. They are just “puppets and props”-a means to an end for him.

Trump started out with many friends and associates.  He heaped praise on them at every turn. Many of these friends and associates have dropped off, one-by-one.

Jeff Sessions was among the first of the well-known Congresspersons to publicly support Trump at the onset of his campaign. He helped Trump win the election and became Trump’s Attorney General. 
After honorably recusing himself from the Mueller Investigation due to perceived “conflicts of interest”, Mr. Sessions has been routinely and publicly humiliated by Trump, who was not satisfied with his recusal.

It is known that Trump wanted Sessions to stay active in the Mueller Investigation to basically “protect” him from Mueller. After his recusal, Trump continually tried to humiliate Sessions into “quitting” as AG, but Sessions, rightfully, didn’t quit.

Trump courted Tennessee Senator, Bob Corker as a possible candidate for a job in his Administration. Now Corker is one of his worse enemies.

Michael Cohen was Trump’s trusted “fixer” and “personal” attorney who once said he “would take a bullet” for Trump. Now they don’t even talk to each other nor refer to each other in the “glowing” terms of the past. With Trump, one day you’re a friend and confidante, the next day you’re the worse person on earth.

Donald Trump uses you, sometimes abuses you-then he dumps you. That’s the Trump way. He apparently feels that the only entity that he has to show any allegiance to is his so-called “base”. He understands that it is his “base” that makes him “viable” and keeps him in the political game as a leader with political “clout”.

Trump rules as it he has a mandate from the people. However, it should be remembered that Trump never earned a “mandate” from the people. Hillary Clinton garnered about 3 million more popular votes than he did.  Had it not been for the outdated Electoral College, Ms. Clinton would have been our president. However, even with the Electoral College in play, other factors, like Comey, WikiLeaks, and Russia, may well have tipped the scale in Trump’s direction. We can never quantify what influence these factors had on the election, but given the questionable nature of his win, Trump should be “walking on eggshells” right now so he doesn’t offend the people who did not vote for him-the majority of Americans!  However, Trump doesn’t care about that. He is determined to play this presidency thing, the Trump way, for all it’s worth.

As a master manipulator and showman of excellence, Trump will pull any lever he can to reach his own selfish ends. He has convinced his base that they have been historically wronged and he is their “once-in-a-lifetime” benevolent savior. They are committed to following him wherever he leads them.

Many Trump followers can’t articulate his foreign or domestic agenda, but they will tell you that he has a plan and a strategy, and when he initiates them, the world will understand their faith in him. They trust in him, and no outsider can change that. However, for others, no tax break, or agenda, or any other Trump perk, is worth giving up their traditional American values for.  We’re beginning to see that at the ballot boxes across the nation where citizens appear to be pushing back on the Trump platform.  There are many indications that that will continue. Let’s hope so! See you at the ballot box!