I don’t think the path that D.J. Trump is taking us down is good
for America. In one of my recent “tweets” I said “Trump brings lies to a new
‘high’ and America to a new ‘low’. All
Americans must wake up!” Observers of the political scene know what I’m talking
I’ve written many articles about Donald J. Trump, and I’ve
criticized him on many issues. With his constant lies, deceit, misdeeds, and
flaws, he always manages to keep our attention. Sometimes Trump’s words and
actions are so insensitive and crass that many of us wish we could magically shut
him up and create a different, more refined Trump, in “one fell swoop”.
Many people have character flaws.
However, Trump seems to have more of these flaws than the average
God-fearing American. His pathological lying causes me great concern. This concern
is encompassed in the following sentiment that I tweeted several days ago: “Trump
has demonstrated that he is not believable. If we can’t believe him at home
regarding personal legal issues, how can we expect our allies abroad to believe
him on larger issues of critical international importance?” This tweet reflects
an unavoidable issue facing America today.
Going forward with the Trump presidency, will our allies abroad tend to
believe in and place trust in the Trump administration, or might delicate
negotiations involving America and other countries become extremely tedious and,
perhaps stalled, due to what some may perceive as the administration’s lack of
We can recall several months ago when Mr. Trump alienated the
Mexican President, the Australian Prime Minister, the Mayor of London, and others
due to, let’s say, his general lack of diplomatic comportment, and in the case
of the Mexican president, Trump outright lied about a conversation he said he
had with President Nieto that in fact did not take place. To Trump, diplomacy
takes a “back seat”, if he does not feel like being “diplomatic” that
particular day. He is erratic and impulsive and these qualities do not make for
a cordial environment should you need the future assistance of these countries
and their leaders. However, strangely enough, Trump has warmly embraced our traditional enemies and strongmen.
In my Innocent Man series, Part III, subtitled “Trump’s Peculiar
Admiration for Dictators, Totalitarians, Despots, and Strongmen”, I stated the
“Trump admires dictators, totalitarian
leaders, despots, and strongmen. He openly praised Kim Jung Un for his uncanny
ability to successfully inherit the reins of power from his deceased
totalitarian father, despite his youth and being surrounded by elder ambitious
career military strongmen. He demurely sidled-up to the Philippine dictator
Duterte greeting him as if he was a long-missed ally. He extolled the virtues
of Vladimir Putin saying that he is a greater leader than our own
past-president Barack Obama. This remark not only demeaned our former president
but our nation as well.”
When our American president does not show our traditional
allies the proper respect, then turns around and “cuddles” our traditional
enemies, something is wrong! Many
television pundits and newscasters have commented on this very aspect of
Trump’s unusual behavior. This behavior does not appear to be haphazard at all.
It appears deliberate and sends patriotic Americans scrambling to make sense of
it all. Many citizens feel that with reference to Trump, “something is rotten
in Denmark”, but so far the investigators have not linked the rot directly to
Mr. Trump. Thus, Trumpism is alive and well on Capitol Hill and the Trump
Kingdom reigns supreme and continues to compromise susceptible Republicans and instill
fear in all majority party members that dare stand in Trumpism’s way. Do they
fear for their positions? What else could it be when folks literally “clam up”
and toss aside their age-old values and the essence of their very “selves” in
deference to a president whose values, motives, and purpose remain suspect at best? Rule by fear and intimidation is not the
democratic way. However, it appears to be the Trump way. Though many Republicans do not openly acknowledge
their Trump concerns, behind closed doors they are known to share their
misgivings regarding Mr. Trump’s tactics.
However, the public sees what’s going on and they wonder what happened
to the once upstanding GOP that would have in the past “pushed back” against a
presidency that has dismissed American values and run amok.
In previous articles I commented about Trump’s
penchant for pomp-and-circumstance and ostentatious demonstrations of military
might. He likes to see disciplined and obedient troops boldly stepping in cadence
down the parade route with the military aircraft zooming above. When Trump sees
this, his eyes widen, his body moves to the music, and his hands clap to the
beat of the drums. He appears in seventh-heaven as he embraces this kind of
spectacle like a “kid in a candy store”. This ostentatious demonstration of
military might is not the norm for America. This type of show is more
reminiscent of totalitarian regimes like Russia or North Korea as they attempt
to show their military might to their citizens and the world. Trump indeed does
admire totalitarians, which makes people wonder, does he secretly yearn to be a
dictator himself?
Over time, I’ve talked at length about Donald Trump’s
unsavory personality characteristics. I also tweeted that “Trump
continues to tarnish the image of America. America under Trump is not who we
are. The constant lies, divisive actions, and conspiracy theories are examples
of Trump-related issues that we must be concerned about going forward.”
In another tweet, I stated this: “Trump: Champion or Charlatan?
Samaritan or Opportunist?” I then
referred potential readers to my various Trump articles. There they found the answers to the above
questions through my citing of Trump’s actual actions and words. That way, I
let Trump himself prove who he is!
Donald J. Trump is a complex psychological study encompassing (among
other issues) constant lying, deceitfulness, and “alternative universe creation”.
Time will tell how his peculiar personality issues impacts America on the
domestic stage and on the world stage.
America could be headed for
real problems down the road, because we’re dealing with a “leader of the free
world” who is not tethered to the conventional American norms and values that
the world is used to respecting and working with. Mr. Trump has thrown the traditional
“American values playbook” out of the window, resulting in the world asking, “Who
is America under Trump? Can we count on America as we did under previous
administrations? ”
Many of our friends around the world are opting to “go it alone” without
America. For example, in the first month
of the Trump presidency, he opted out of the TPP (Trans Pacific Partnership), leaving
behind such major TPP partners as Canada, Australia, Mexico, and Japan. These countries, and others, moved on without the
great Trumpian USA.
There are mixed messages coming out of the Trump administration. They
seem to vacillate on the idea of whether they want to actually lead the free
world or not. Trump doesn’t like to be “second best”, but the administration
has not definitively stated to the world a willingness to continue being the number
one “leader of the free world” going forward. At this time we are a country
whose conventional ideals and values are in limbo and perhaps even “devolving”.
Will the world continue to embrace us as a reliable friend and ally, or will
they sour on us because they’ve simply had enough of Trump’s mixed messages and
impulsive behavior?
America must return to its traditional values and ideals in order
to maintain its place in the world. Remember, the old Soviet Union went the way
of the dinosaur and we’re not
indestructible. Trump’s questionable actions are definitely dividing
Americans along racial and party lines, and Putin is determined to push America
to the brink by meddling in our elections and trying to further divide an
already splintered America by employing various methods, including the
deceptive use of social media. You don’t have to be a Democrat or Republican to
“wake up” and “see the light”, but whoever you are; you must be willing to honestly
say “There is something wrong. This is
not the America that our citizens have loved and died for over the years.” We
cannot continue like this! I don’t believe the erratic and divisive Trumpian
path is a path to sustained growth and prosperity for all Americans, nor will
it result in a sustained sense of pride, belonging, and well-being for all American citizens. The Trump path is
the wrong path for America. It is time for concerned Americans, regardless of
party, to wake up and demand a return to common sense, civility, truth, justice,
and a renewed respect for all American citizens and our allies abroad.