They called him “Honest Abe”, and Abraham Lincoln is
reported to have said, “I cannot tell a lie”. The country loved him and history
still reveres him. According to Wikipedia, he is listed as being among the top
three presidents in United States history. The other two top spots belong to Franklin D.
Roosevelt and George Washington. Lincoln
presided over our nation during the Civil War, a very dark period in our
history. Folks never doubted Abe’s honesty. As a store clerk, he walked several
miles to return six cents to a customer he mistakenly overcharged. Trump will
never be like Lincoln. He is the opposite.
Trust is something deeply embedded within the high ideals of
truth and honesty. When a leader is
known to tell the truth, the leader becomes “believable”. American citizens often
rally to the cause of leaders that they believe in, whether they voted for that
particular leader, or not.
If “the truth is the light”, then lies must result in “abject
darkness”. That is where we are today with Donald J. Trump. Though it is (in my
estimation) a dark period in our history, many Americans do not see it that
way. At least a third of our population
is still being led to the gallows by a domineering personality with a gift-of-gab,
who offers promises of better days ahead, but hardly ever delivers. He fools people right before their eyes, just like the guy who fools us and takes
our money as he manipulates the cards in “five-card-Monte”. We always think the hidden object is under
“this card” but after he suckers you in, it’s always under the “other card”. He
always swindles you out of your money. If you keep playing, you’ll likely lose
all of your money, because at Monte, the
house always wins! Trump always wants to win, regardless of who he hurts.
To him the win is the thing. It
strokes his ego and drives him to win more. When he is down, he holds a rally.
His supporters stroke him with cheers and handclaps and he emerges reenergized,
stronger, and ready to fight again! That’s Donald Trump. That’s who he is.
Trump’s cadre of ardent enablers and supporters somehow manage
to still believe in him, despite his failures to deliver for them on many
occasions. However, the majority of Americans deliberately stiffen
their backs in order to stand tall and
put up with him one more day!
Many responsible citizens continue to linger in silence,
hoping that soon, Mr. Mueller will discover the real reasons behind Trump’s continual efforts to stop his
investigation and demean its purpose. A
whole lot of folks have taken to the streets of America to protest Trump and
his policies. However, we’re still in a
bad place, and too many of us have yet to acknowledge that. Mr. Trump’s
continual pathological lies have sunk America to a truth deficit unprecedented in American history.
If we resign ourselves to waiting it out until 2020, we will do ourselves a great disservice.
Our duty as citizens is to challenge the “status quo” of the Trump
Administration by whatever legal means necessary.
Before Trump was elected, former Mayor of New York, Michael
Bloomberg, called him a “con man”. History has proven, to many of us, that this
is true.
n referring to the White House, in today’s Fox News Online,
Bloomberg stated that “Americans are facing an ‘epidemic of dishonesty’ that
poses a greater threat to U.S. democracy than terrorism or communism”. He stated
these powerful words at a Rice University commencement in Texas.
Both Bloomberg and Trump have lived and worked in New York
City for many years. Bloomberg is a man of good character who made his money
the old fashion way-by “earning it”. The “jury is still out” on how Trump amassed
his reported billions, despite his four Chapter 11 business bankruptcies. He
has yet to reveal his tax returns as he has promised on several occasions.
People still wonder why he didn’t win Manhattan in the General Election in 2016,
even though he had lived and worked in Manhattan for several decades. Perhaps New
Yorkers knew what Bloomberg knew.
Integrity is a crucial quality for an American president. If America cannot be believed at home and
abroad we put ourselves in serious, or perhaps, grave danger. If our word cannot
be perceived as our bond anymore, then
we’re doing much of Putin’s work for him, as he continues to feverishly work to
undermine America.
On the issue of presidential trust, how in the world can we
trust a president who has charted over 3,000 verifiable lies over the course of
his short presidency? Is he a lying wannabe dictator, or our American
American presidents cannot play loose with the truth because
valuable American lives are at stake. This is not a reality show. This is reality! Our allies must be able to
trust what we say. We can’t vacillate on important issues, and the truth must
prevail! In my article entitled “Trump: The Innocent Man of Capitol Hill-Part
VI-(Guilty!)” I stated this with reference to Trump’s honesty: “Mr. Trump’s lying,
ducking, and dodging has not ceased. Instead of sitting before Mueller and
steadfastly proclaiming his innocence, he is trying to smear the image of Mueller,
the Department of Justice, and all other authorities committed to finding the
truth, and possibly bringing charges against him. This shows you something. It
shows that a key person looked at as a subject of the Mueller investigation ‘cannot prove his innocence’-because his innocence does not exist! His only recourse, as he apparently sees it,
is to besmirch the images of the authorities doing the investigation and plant
doubt in the public’s mind about the integrity of the investigation.” Trump’s
manipulation of the truth and his falsifying of facts through the media are not
acceptable and not normal. However,
too many Americans have begun to normalize
Trump’s behavior and treat it as just another day in “Trump Country”. They look
at it as Trump-era normal. This is a
mistake. Historically Americans have proven themselves on the world stage to be
honest, well-meaning, and noble. However, Trump has trashed all of that. He has
systematically demeaned our “tried-and-true” values and seems to be acting more
like a Kremlin plant than the president of the USA.
I stated in “Rejecting the Trump-era
Normal”, “The Trump-era normal may be good for Trump’s
questionable agenda, but it is not good for America. It diminishes our status in the eyes of the
world, and decreases our respect abroad. We must reject the Trump-era normal
and return to the values that have historically made America great.”
Bloomberg was right to criticize Trump’s continual dishonesty. He
has avoided the long arms of the law for
so long that I have dubbed him, the new
Teflon Don. I believe he sees his unorthodox style and actions as being successful,
largely unpunished, and rewarded. In this light, I’m sure he does see himself as the new Teflon Don. In
one episode exhibits his cockiness, Trump bragged he could shoot someone on
Fifth Avenue and there would be no repercussions!
We cannot continue to tolerate the actions of a man who seeks to
hijack the very soul of America in
order to derail legitimate legal inquiry. His attempts to publicly undermine
authority are not some masterful Trump strokes of public relations genius. They
are acts of apparent desperation by a man who tends to demonstrate his guilt on
a daily basis. His emissaries (who are sent out to clarify the White House position on relevant issues) end up reinforcing his guilty image by continually
dodging questions by an inquisitive media that is guilty only of seeking actual answers and truth. Trump and his cronies are guilty of generating
fake news, not the media! The daily White House Press Briefing ends up being
nothing but a sham, and the public sees it for what it is. Sad!
With the help of Mueller and his staff, we may soon discover what Trump
has been trying so desperately hard to hide from the special counsel and the
American people. Perhaps then, the new Teflon Don will realize that “Teflon doesn’t last forever”!