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About My Blog-Talbage Allen, Jr.

My Blog features a series of commentary on President Donald J. Trump, entitled: “Trump: the Innocent Man of Capitol Hill”. There are six articles under in this series, with the sixth being the final article of the series. 

In addition to my Innocent Man series, there are over twenty other articles currently published. Among these articles are “Trump the Chump”, “Rejecting the Trump-era Normal”, “Donald J. Trump: Dean of Division”, “Trump: Showman and Master of Deceit”, and “Trump’s Incivility Demeans America”.  

So far there are three non-Trump articles, entitled, “Gun Violence: in America and Our Schools”, Time to Rethink: The Case for Studying the UFO Phenomenon and Its Related Subjects”, and "Senator John Sidney McCain III: Man of Integrity".

Though my Blog site ( emphasizes Mr. Trump and his presidency, I intend to cover other issues of the day in addition to the non-Trump articles cited above.

My writing will always be guided by my interest and concern for the issue(s). You may not always agree with me, and that’s fine. Please use the “Comments:” section at the end of the articles if you wish voice your opinion.  

I hope my blogs provide interesting and thought-provoking reading for you.

September 4, 2018

Talbage Allen, Jr.

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