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Monday, May 28, 2018

Countering Trump’s “Media Brigade” Untruths

You know, it’s kind of sad that given the enormity of the personal issues and legal issues lodged against Donald Trump, he seems to be winning the “media game” by convincing a significant number of people that Mueller, the DOJ, and the FBI are “out to get him”.  As I mentioned in previous articles, if Trump is nothing else, he is a pro at manipulating public opinion through the media. The journalists that he castigates and calls bearers of “fake” news are employed by the very institutions that deliver his oftentimes untruthful and outrageous messages to the public. This is always at no expense to Trump, who continues to be the “grand recipient” of these gratuitous grants of free air time that he cherishes and exploits daily.

On the other hand, the Mueller team has been praised for their quiet, “no leaks” handling of the so-called Russia Investigation. However, in the media/public relations marathon, the “good quiet guys” at the special counsel’s office, backed-up by the FBI and DOJ, have been losing the media battle to the outspoken Trump media savvy brigade.

So, what has to happen in order to counter the Trump brigade?  First, if the authorities uncover and make public irrefutable and verifiable evidence of Trump’s complicity or guilt of some major infraction, that evidence would be something that the public would find hard to deny.  In fact, the public would have to accept these verified findings and Trump’s unfair, lie-based, media assault on the intelligence community would grind to a halt. However, that would require verified evidence that the investigators either, may not have, or is unwilling to make public at this time. These types of investigations are complex and oftentimes long.

Trump and his people are still insisting that Mueller’s probe be terminated because Mueller “hasn’t found anything” and the investigation is a “witch-hunt” and a “waste of time and resources”. Such statements are obviously untrue because Mueller has obtained several indictments and admissions of guilt by folks under oath. More findings and indictments may well be “on-the-way”.

Secondly, it is “high-time” that someone representing the Mueller side, blitzes the media with “true” information to counter the false and misleading daily Trump talking points and lies. This could be a key congressperson (or group of congresspersons) acting in capacities like Nunes, Sanders, and Giuliani act for Trump and the Republicans.

The conniving Mr. Trump knows full well that the traditional leaders on Capitol Hill are generally more gentlemanly (or more genteel) than he is. They are image conscious and are always careful about how they act and what they say publicly. Trump constantly exploits this difference in personal style and apparently sees this as their deficit, and his opportunity to ride “roughshod” over them, like he successfully rode roughshod over his Republican debate opponents during the 2016 Republican Campaign.

I would caution the Democrats to not “wallow in the dirt” with Trump and his people. That would be a mistake. You will recall that this tactic did not work out well for Marco Rubio. It just made him look like he was “sinking" to the level of Mr. Trump. However, by carefully using this tactic delivered by well-informed Mueller proponents, with discipline and decorum, strategy has a good chance of successfully countering the usually lie-based strategy of the Trumpians.   

Thirdly, it is past time that we embarrass Trump’s fellow Republicans into “pulling-him-back” when he makes outrageous statements and  accusations that are patently misleading or untrue. I know this would be hard task, because Trump acts more like a dictatorial emperor, than a democratic president, so this would be a “long shot” strategy. However, if the Republicans believe that their seats may be in jeopardy by continuing to give Trump a pass, this strategy might work. In fact, I was just informed that Senator Flake has just proposed this very “push-back” strategy. He may be a little late, but I say, “Go for it”!

Trump has always used his staff, like Sean Spicer and Sarah Sanders to peddle his lies to the public. He also uses congresspersons, like Devin Nunes, to shamelessly do the same. Without a doubt, Trump’s goal is to creatively sway public opinion in his favor, or at least, to “plant doubt” in people’s minds as to the validity or fairness of the Mueller investigation. Many journalists and others feel that this strategy is actually working for Trump. I fear that many citizens are beginning to believe that when Trump says outrageous things against the FBI, DOJ, or Mueller, that these things may ring true to them, because no Democrats regularly come out to refute the claims of Trump and his people.  Retired intelligence officials like Brennan and Clapper denounce Trump and his questionable practices whenever they get the opportunity. However, these men are now private citizens and they don’t have regular access to the media like the Trump brigade, and when they do speak out, Trump calls them liars, and remnants of the nefarious intelligence community that seeks to “frame” him.

Trump has a history replete with unsubstantiated accusations, deceit, and bullying. He has become successful using these methods. When Priebus and Kelley reined him in for a bit, he became very uncomfortable and eventually reverted to his old behavior. Their attempts to mold him into a president that all Americans can be proud of has failed. We are not united as a nation and Trump continues to fan the flames of division.

Over and over, Trump has demonstrated that he does not have the same moral compass as the average American citizen. However, many still flock to him, while others believe that if he has to throw American institutions or American values “under the bus” to save his hide, he will. They believe Trump is for Trump-period! However, he has always had this powerful Svengali-like effect on many lower, middle income, and rural supporters. This Fifth Avenue billionaire has managed to convince these people that he is like them, for them, and is the spokesperson and savior that they’ve been dreaming of. They really believe that he will deliver them from the evil “swamp creatures” on Capitol Hill. They don’t see the “con-man” that others like former NYC Mayor Bloomberg sees. They see him as the missing “political link” that they have been waiting a long time for.

Besides, bringing Trump to justice through indictment or impeachment, the best anti-Trump strategy at present would be to counter his lies with truth.  Trump and his emissaries must be regularly challenged.  Challenge the Trump lies and misstatements at the WH daily press briefings with Sanders. Challenge Trump when he parades foreign dignitaries before us almost daily. Challenge Giuliani.

The concerned citizen can easily observe that Trump is continually “playing all Americans all of the time”. He purposely uses his “supporter-Americans”, as a buffer and a security blanket to shelter him against those who would dare challenge him or rebuke him. His supporters are part of his group of enablers. If they feel Trump is wronged, they will likely “raise hell”, and it appears that’s what he wants! He stokes their flames at his rallies. They restore his vigor. They confirm his self-worth. In front of them, he is definitely somebody. He is a rich man with status and power that will do what is necessary to maintain his riches, status, and power.

In the alternate universe, in which many have suggested Trump lives, he is determined that no government “losers”, like Mueller or Rosenstein, will ever bring him down. He is determined to outsmart them as he has outsmarted others all of his life. He has no choice but to outsmart them because he knows he can never prove his innocence in a court of law! However, he also knows that he is darn good at muddying the waters, throwing shade, and manipulating public opinion. What he cannot win in the courthouse, he feels he can win in the “court of public opinion”. Is winning in the court of public opinion true justice if you know you cannot win in a courtroom? For him, yes! Because, for DJ Trump,” justice is winning”, period!

The critical point that needs to be made at this time is that the Trump issue has reached very serious proportions. Trump is trying to win a case in the media that he cannot win in the courts. He is pulverizing our brains with so many untruths that many folks are throwing up their hands and giving up in frustration, saying “I don’t know what to believe. Let politics be damned, I’m tired of it all!”

Why are we in such a delicate position here? First because Trump’s enabler-Republican’s have, up to now, been too afraid to try to rein him in. They are not standing up for civility, common sense, and truth. By enabling Trump to trample over traditional American ideals and values they are not only failing their constituents, they’re failing America! They are doing this for a man who is so egotistical and narcissistic that he’s willing to destroy the very fabric of our nation in an effort to obscure facts and recreate them to fit his own selfish agenda. He desperately wants to shield himself from the probable results of a valid serious investigation.

America, we’re basically allowing one grossly flawed man to hijack the entire country as he has hijacked the Republican Party, and he and Nunes have hijacked the House Intelligence Committee. This is not fantasy. The hijackings occurred right before our eyes, and we had better wake up! 

This nation is divided and hurting because of Mr. Trump’s destructive actions and his egotistical self-serving behavior. Enough is enough! And enough of us see him for who he really is to intervene and demand change-through the ballot box or the courtroom!

America can’t afford to have a silver-tongued man of questionable character, purpose, and values subvert and destroy America under the guise of saving it from the “swamp people” on Capitol Hill.

Mr. Trump, why do you propose to make an already great country, great again?  What are you really saying?  Will building a wall on the southern border make your America great again? Will denying NFL players their right to free speech and expression make your America great again? Will silencing wronged women make your America great again? Will hiding your tax returns make your America great again? Will resisting full and appropriate sanctions against Russia make your America great again? Does hijacking the House Intelligence Committee make your America great again? Does ducking and dodging an interview with Mr. Mueller make your America great again? Does prevarication and lack of information at the WH daily press briefings make your America great again? Will …oh forget it!

To many, Trump appears to be destroying America from the “inside”, while Vladimir Putin is hell-bent on destroying America from the “outside”. We cannot continue to let Trump have the last misleading word. We must effectively counter his constant Trumpian falsehoods, or risk his lies eventually morphing into truth in the minds of unsuspecting Americans. This may well be the result that he is striving for!

Monday, May 21, 2018

Gun Violence: in America and Our Schools

According to Nicholas Kristof’s New York Times online article entitled Kristof: “Lessons from the Virginia Shooting”, he talked about the on-air murder (by an ex-colleague) of two journalists while they were on assignment in Roanoke, Virginia. He went on to make this startling statement: “More Americans have died from guns in the United States since 1968 than on battlefields of all the wars in American history”. If you follow-up on these figures which were originally stated by PBS commentator Mark Shields ,and verified by journalist Louis Jacobson, there were almost 213,000 more civilian deaths from guns in the USA than the massive casualties of American wars, from the Revolutionary War through the Iraq War. Again, this is startling when you consider that this encompasses twelve wars including the following wars: 1812, Mexican, Civil, Spanish-American, WWI, WWII, Korean, Viet-Nam, Persian Gulf, and Afghanistan. (The number of casualties in these wars totaled 1,171,177, while the number citizens killed by guns in America are 1,384,171. A simple subtraction yields a difference of 212,994. Statistics came from the CDC, FBI, and Congressional Research Service).

With the recent school shootings at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida and the Santa Fe High School shootings in Santa Fe, Texas, a question might naturally arise. How many American students (and others) have been killed by guns while primarily on campus, or while engaging in school related activities, near campus or off campus, since 1968? According to “Tribune Review Research (Trib Live-Jason Cato)”, the K-12 figures for 252 schools total 285 killed, 589 wounded. The College/University totals for 76 schools are 157 killed and 187 wounded. Thus the totals for K-12 and Colleges/Universities totals 442 killed and 776 wounded, and the “total killed and wounded “equals 1218.  Again, these figures primarily represent students, but some are faculty or others.

Are school shootings a fairly recent phenomenon in American history? Unfortunately, the answer is no.

Wikipedia has cited many instances of gun deaths in America going back to the 1800’s. I’m just going to discuss some of them for this article in order to provide a reasonable representation of these horrific occurrences.

According to Wikipedia, in 1840, a law professor at the University of Virginia named John Davis was shot by a student. He died three days later.

In 1940, a fired disgruntled 38 year old staffer at South Pasadena High School, shot and killed 5 men and one woman. The superintendent of the area’s schools, the principal, the business manager, a female art teacher, and a mechanical arts teacher, were all killed by a man named Verlin Spencer.

In August, 1996, Charles Whitman, a 25 year old engineering student mounted an observation deck at the University of Texas from where he shot and killed 17 people and wounded 31 others. Prior to that, he killed both his mother and his wife off-campus.

There were also campus shootings by the police and national guardsmen.

In February, 1968, a group of predominantly student civil rights workers convened on the campus of South Carolina State University to protest the continued segregation of a bowling alley which was outlawed by the 1964 Civil Rights Act. When the police tried to put out a bonfire set by the students, it was reported that an officer was hit and injured by an object.  This led the officers to believe they were under attack and they fired into the crowd killing 3 students aged between 17 and 19, and wounding 27 others.

In May of 1970, four students were killed, and nine were wounded when national guardsmen fired onto students protesting the Viet-Nam war at Kent State University in Ohio. Anti-war protests were common on college campuses during this period in American History.

In May of 1970, two students were killed and twelve others were wounded when police opened fire on protestors at Jackson State College in Jackson, Mississippi. The students were protesting the U.S. presence in Cambodia.

In January of 1989, a young man of 24, named Patrick Purdy, with a history of alcohol abuse, drug abuse, violence, and criminality, descended on  Cleveland Elementary School, in Stockton, California shooting and killing five children and himself. The killings seemed doubly sad as these kids were the children of refugees from Southeast Asia. They sought a “safe haven” here, but they were murdered instead.

At the University of Iowa in November, 1991, Mr. Gang Lu, a 28 year old former graduate student, killed four faculty members and a student. He also wounded a student (causing paralysis), then shot and killed himself.

At Westside Middle School in Craighead County, Arkansas, In March, 1998, Mitchell Johnson and Andrew Golden aged 13 and 11 respectively, set off a fire alarm and fatally shot a teacher and four students as they attempted to exit the school. Ten other students were wounded.

At this point, we can see that the perpetrators do not fit a particular mold. They are K-12 students, college students, graduate students, young adults, approaching middle age, etc.

Many of us will remember the Columbine School shootings of April 1999, in Littleton, Colorado. There Eric Harris, aged 18 and Dylan Kiebold, age 17 (both Columbine students) killed twelve students, one teacher, and wounded 21 people. They both committed suicide.

In March of 2005 in Red Lake Minnesota at Red Lake Senior High School, Jeffrey Wiese shot and killed five students, one teacher and a security guard. This is after he killed his grandfather and his companion, at the grandfather’s home at the Red Lake Indian Reservation. Wiese also resided there. Wiese took his own life.

In April, 2007 at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, Virginia, student Seung-Hui Cho killed 32 students and faculty members before killing himself. He left behind 23 wounded.

A very sad shooting incident occurred in December 2012 at Sandy Hook Elementary School, in Newtown, Connecticut,  where twenty first graders were literally massacred along with six adults. Two people were injured. This atrocity was committed by 20 year old Adam Lanza, who murdered his mother before coming to the school armed with four guns. Like other shooters, Lanza killed himself too.

In October, 2015, at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Oregon, a 26 year old student named Christopher Harper-Mercer shot and killed eight students and one teacher before killing himself. He left nine people wounded.

In February of 2018, Nikolas Cruz, a 19 year old former student at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School set off a fire alarm and executed 17 students and faculty as they sought to exit the building. In the past, Cruz had been expelled from school due his behavior. Fourteen students were wounded. Cruz was arrested and charged with murder as well as attempted murder. Marjory Stoneman Douglas students have become known for their avid activism against guns and gun violence.

Just a few days ago, on May 18, 2018, 17 year old student Demitrios Pagourtzis set off a fire alarm at Santa Fe High School in Santa Fe Texas. He then shot and killed nine students and one teacher as they sought to exit the building. He left nine people wounded. According to CNN, Pagourtzis was careful not to shoot the people he liked, but targeted those he didn’t like.

In this article I’ve cited 15 school shootings out of a total of 328, occurring over the last 50 years. That’s less than 5 percent, but it gives us a glimpse of what has occurred during this period as it pertains to school shootings.  As I said earlier, the number of deaths for this period totals 442, and the number of wounded totals 776. We don’t know the extent of the injuries of all of the wounded. Some may have fully recovered. Some may have not. What we do know is that when we go to school to learn or to teach, we don’t expect to be wounded or killed in the process. We do have a history of gun violence in the schools of America. That is a problem. What will we do about it? I will be writing again on this subject.

Monday, May 14, 2018

Trump: The New Teflon Don?

They called him “Honest Abe”, and Abraham Lincoln is reported to have said, “I cannot tell a lie”. The country loved him and history still reveres him. According to Wikipedia, he is listed as being among the top three presidents in United States history.  The other two top spots belong to Franklin D. Roosevelt and George Washington.  Lincoln presided over our nation during the Civil War, a very dark period in our history. Folks never doubted Abe’s honesty. As a store clerk, he walked several miles to return six cents to a customer he mistakenly overcharged. Trump will never be like Lincoln. He is the opposite.

Trust is something deeply embedded within the high ideals of truth and honesty. When a leader is known to tell the truth, the leader becomes “believable”. American citizens often rally to the cause of leaders that they believe in, whether they voted for that particular leader, or not.

If “the truth is the light”, then lies must result in “abject darkness”. That is where we are today with Donald J. Trump. Though it is (in my estimation) a dark period in our history, many Americans do not see it that way.  At least a third of our population is still being led to the gallows by a domineering personality with a gift-of-gab, who offers promises of better days ahead, but hardly ever delivers.  He fools people right before their eyes, just like the guy who fools us and takes our money as he manipulates the cards in “five-card-Monte”.  We always think the hidden object is under “this card” but after he suckers you in, it’s always under the “other card”. He always swindles you out of your money. If you keep playing, you’ll likely lose all of your money, because at Monte, the house always wins! Trump always wants to win, regardless of who he hurts. To him the win is the thing. It strokes his ego and drives him to win more. When he is down, he holds a rally. His supporters stroke him with cheers and handclaps and he emerges reenergized, stronger, and ready to fight again!  That’s Donald Trump. That’s who he is.

Trump’s cadre of ardent enablers and supporters somehow manage to still believe in him, despite his failures to deliver for them on many occasions.  However, the majority of Americans deliberately stiffen their backs in order to stand tall and put up with him one more day! 

Many responsible citizens continue to linger in silence, hoping that soon, Mr. Mueller will discover the real reasons behind Trump’s continual efforts to stop his investigation and demean its purpose.  A whole lot of folks have taken to the streets of America to protest Trump and his policies.  However, we’re still in a bad place, and too many of us have yet to acknowledge that. Mr. Trump’s continual pathological lies have sunk America to a truth deficit unprecedented in American history.

If we resign ourselves to waiting it out until 2020, we will do ourselves a great disservice. Our duty as citizens is to challenge the “status quo” of the Trump Administration by whatever legal means necessary.

Before Trump was elected, former Mayor of New York, Michael Bloomberg, called him a “con man”. History has proven, to many of us, that this is true.

n referring to the White House, in today’s Fox News Online, Bloomberg stated that “Americans are facing an ‘epidemic of dishonesty’ that poses a greater threat to U.S. democracy than terrorism or communism”. He stated these powerful words at a Rice University commencement in Texas.

Both Bloomberg and Trump have lived and worked in New York City for many years. Bloomberg is a man of good character who made his money the old fashion way-by “earning it”. The “jury is still out” on how Trump amassed his reported billions, despite his four Chapter 11 business bankruptcies. He has yet to reveal his tax returns as he has promised on several occasions. People still wonder why he didn’t win Manhattan in the General Election in 2016, even though he had lived and worked in Manhattan for several decades. Perhaps New Yorkers knew what Bloomberg knew.

Integrity is a crucial quality for an American president.  If America cannot be believed at home and abroad we put ourselves in serious, or perhaps, grave danger. If our word cannot be perceived as our bond anymore, then we’re doing much of Putin’s work for him, as he continues to feverishly work to undermine America.

On the issue of presidential trust, how in the world can we trust a president who has charted over 3,000 verifiable lies over the course of his short presidency? Is he a lying wannabe dictator, or our American President?

American presidents cannot play loose with the truth because valuable American lives are at stake. This is not a reality show. This is reality! Our allies must be able to trust what we say. We can’t vacillate on important issues, and the truth must prevail! In my article entitled “Trump: The Innocent Man of Capitol Hill-Part VI-(Guilty!)” I stated this with reference to Trump’s honesty: “Mr. Trump’s lying, ducking, and dodging has not ceased. Instead of sitting before Mueller and steadfastly proclaiming his innocence, he is trying to smear the image of Mueller, the Department of Justice, and all other authorities committed to finding the truth, and possibly bringing charges against him. This shows you something. It shows that a key person looked at as a subject of the Mueller investigation ‘cannot prove his innocence’-because his innocence does not exist! His only recourse, as he apparently sees it, is to besmirch the images of the authorities doing the investigation and plant doubt in the public’s mind about the integrity of the investigation.” Trump’s manipulation of the truth and his falsifying of facts through the media are not acceptable and not normal. However, too many Americans have begun to normalize Trump’s behavior and treat it as just another day in “Trump Country”. They look at it as Trump-era normal. This is a mistake. Historically Americans have proven themselves on the world stage to be honest, well-meaning, and noble. However, Trump has trashed all of that. He has systematically demeaned our “tried-and-true” values and seems to be acting more like a Kremlin plant than the president of the USA. 

As I stated in “Rejecting the Trump-era Normal”, The Trump-era normal may be good for Trump’s questionable agenda, but it is not good for America.  It diminishes our status in the eyes of the world, and decreases our respect abroad. We must reject the Trump-era normal and return to the values that have historically made America great.”

Bloomberg was right to criticize Trump’s continual dishonesty. He has avoided the long arms of the law for so long that I have dubbed him, the new Teflon Don. I believe he sees his unorthodox style and actions as being successful, largely unpunished, and rewarded. In this light, I’m sure he does see himself as the new Teflon Don. In one episode exhibits his cockiness, Trump bragged he could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and there would be no repercussions!

We cannot continue to tolerate the actions of a man who seeks to hijack the very soul of America in order to derail legitimate legal inquiry. His attempts to publicly undermine authority are not some masterful Trump strokes of public relations genius. They are acts of apparent desperation by a man who tends to demonstrate his guilt on a daily basis. His emissaries (who are sent out to clarify the White House position on relevant issues) end up reinforcing his guilty image by continually dodging questions by an inquisitive media that is guilty only of seeking actual answers and truth.  Trump and his cronies are guilty of generating fake news, not the media! The daily White House Press Briefing ends up being nothing but a sham, and the public sees it for what it is. Sad!

With the help of Mueller and his staff, we may soon discover what Trump has been trying so desperately hard to hide from the special counsel and the American people. Perhaps then, the new Teflon Don will realize that “Teflon doesn’t last forever”!

Monday, May 7, 2018

Trump: The Innocent Man of Capitol Hill-Part VI-(Guilty!)

There seems to be no reasonable basis on which Trump can claim innocence of all of the matters we know to be under consideration by Mueller’s all-encompassing Russia Investigation.  As I said before, in my article entitled:  The Innocent Man of Capitol Hill: Part-I (The Russian Investigation That Was Not Necessary), The Mueller Special Investigation wasn’t even necessary, and I’ll tell you why.  All Trump had to do to dispel the whole Russian collusion thing was to confront the Justice Department head-on by saying ‘there was and is no Trump/Russian collusion and my staff and I are willing to testify under oath to that right now!’ That is, if Trump and his cronies had nothing to hide. Instead, from the beginning he has been stonewalling, lying and firing all officials blocking the removal of the special counsel. For someone who constantly boasts his innocence, Trump has continually acted anything but innocent.”

Mr. Trump’s lying, ducking, and dodging has not ceased. Instead of sitting before Mueller and steadfastly proclaiming his innocence, he is trying to smear the image of Mueller, the Department of Justice, and all other authorities committed to finding the truth, and possibly bringing charges against him. This shows you something. It shows that a key person looked at as a subject of the Mueller investigation “cannot prove his innocence”-because his innocence does not exist! His only recourse, as he apparently sees it, is to besmirch the images of the authorities doing the investigation and plant doubt in the public’s mind about the integrity of the investigation. As an example, right now, Trump’s defense against Stormy Daniels’ 130 thousand dollar payment (which possibly involves an illegal campaign finance contribution issue) is not currently being handled as a legal matter by Mr. Trump’s attorney, Rudy Giuliani; rather it is being pursued through the media as a public relations endeavor. Why? Obviously because the Trump people have determined that this case, and other cases under consideration By Mr. Mueller, are simply unwinnable, because Trump is not innocent!  As citizens observing this scenario, we can readily see that Trump is very culpable now.  His back is “against the wall”. That is why his team’s approach to the Mueller legal onslaught is to constantly try to undermine the integrity of the special counsel, the DOJ, and the intelligence community, which includes the FBI. Trump is willing to denigrate and cast doubt on these highly-regarded institutions in an effort to try to save himself from whatever serious infractions Mr. Mueller might find concerning him. Whatever legal issues he is likely to face by challenging Mr. Mueller (and the afore-mentioned institutions) will probably pale in comparison to what he knows the special counsel might uncover. Trump says he is fighting the powers-that-be seeking justice for himself, when all he has to do is let the investigation continue until the clock runs out. As an innocent man, he will then find his cherished justice when he is fully exonerated. That’s the way the system plays out for innocent citizens. If nothing is there, nothing can be found! So why fight the system?

Many people on Capitol Hill believe that Trump will not fire Mueller or Rosenstein because it will be a political disaster. However, should it appear that the investigation is proceeding to engulf his family or him as actual targets-then, based on his history, he will probably fire one, or both of these officials. Why? Because with him (or his family) at immediate legal risk, he is likely to reason that the inevitability of them being prosecuted, would be more grave than any possible fallout from the firings.

Given what we know about Mr. Trump’s assertive and “pushy” personality, if he was innocent, he would have demanded to sit down with the special counsel from “Jump Street”. Then he would have interviewed with Mueller, proved his innocence, and bragged about it publicly.  After that, he would have likely turned around and fired all the officials responsible for their so-called “witch hunt”. Again, that’s if he was innocent.

Let’s face it, Trump’s claims of innocence as it relates to the Mueller Investigation, does not pass the “smell-test”.

As we go forward, Trump and his minions will continue to impugn the integrity of the investigators. Apparently, they view this as the only reasonable alternative in their efforts to protect a guilty man from imminent prosecution. So let’s not buy into this Innocent Man of Capitol Hill facade as perpetrated by Trump and his water-carrying puppets like Devin Nunes, Sarah Sanders, and Shawn Hannity. Trump is “as guilty as they come”, and most of us know it! Therefore, I say, on with the investigation! On with the prosecution! No citizen of America is above the law!