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Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Trump: The Innocent Man of Capitol Hill-Part III (Trump’s Peculiar Admiration for Dictators, Totalitarians, Despots, Strongmen)

February 24, 2018

Trump admires dictators, totalitarian leaders, despots, and strongmen. He openly praised Kim Jung Un for his uncanny ability to successfully inherit the reins of power from his deceased totalitarian father, despite his youth and being surrounded by elder ambitious career military strongmen. He demurely sidled-up to the Philippine dictator Duterte greeting him as if he was a long-missed ally. He extolled the virtues of Vladimir Putin saying that he is a greater leader than our own past-president Barack Obama. This remark not only demeaned our former president but our nation as well.

But wait, who have I been talking about? It’s not the President Donald J. Trump depicted by his supporters as an honest man of impeccable integrity who respects every man and every woman. To them he has been given a “bum rap” and that none of the serious transgressions leveled against him have ever been proven in a court of law. They say he never denigrates or disrespects any one and that his accusers always falsely accuse him of all sorts of foul things without any basis in fact. According to a lot of his staunch supporters, Mr. Trump has high regard for all of our allies and treats them accordingly-that is, with the highest reverence. Among many of them, he is a man of unquestioned, I mean, unquestionable character. He is a great man of verifiable innocence who reigns, I mean serves as The Innocent Man of Capitol Hill.

Trump likes rallying the crowds of his cheering supporters. He loves the pomp and circumstance of large parades and he would love to show-case the military might of our great land and air power. In this light opponents have said he is reminiscent of Hitler or Mussolini. Many well-meaning and thoughtful  Americans prefer to view Trump through the powerful looking lens of “common sense”. Exercising common sense, they fear that his uncontrolled temperament and his erratic policies will someday lead us into oblivion. Others say he loves and cares for us all and there is not a selfish bone in his body; that his only desire is to make America great again.

There is so much conflicting and confusing stuff surrounding Donald J. Trump that it’s not funny. As we go forward, it would be prudent to keep a keen eye on Trump.  We must not allow his many infractions to be overlooked, forgiven, or to go unpunished. The rule of law must always prevail for all Americans.

 Americans should never surrender to the questionable motives of Donald Trump.

As Americans we must reclaim our great heart, soul and common sense. Given the history of the Trump Administration thus far, common sense suggests that eventually, we must rebuke The Innocent Man of Capitol Hill so that the majority of our citizens can breathe freely again! History has shown the folly of citizens who stand idly by and allow themselves to fall prey to the whims of those who seek good for only themselves.

1 comment:

  1. My comment is this, If POTUS has done no wrong he should just say so. I would say to him stop wanting to be a Dictator and do his job.

