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Monday, March 12, 2018

Trump: The Innocent Man of Capitol Hill-Part II (Mr. Trump’s Devaluation of America)


February 17, 2018
Donald J. Trump has devalued the very essence of what America is and what we have stood for and bled for since 1776. We should not encourage him any further. He doesn’t care about America. He cares about Donald Trump and the Trump brand. He appears to be trying to rebrand America in the Trump image.
We know that historically, U.S. presidential campaign opponents would fight it out hard on the campaign trail. However, once the election was won, the loser would concede and the winner would unify the country-treating all Americans as one. When Mr. Trump won the election he said he wanted to unify the country. However, he did very little to bring that into fruition. It seems that once he won the Electoral College and was inaugurated as President, he lost all interest in unifying the country by bringing diverse groups into the Trump Camp. He already had the support of about 35 to 40 percent of the country and he probably thought that was enough to solidify his presidency. If the goal is power and division, you don’t really need to have the majority of the citizen’s support. All you need is enough “support citizenry” to “raise hell” on your behalf when and if necessary. That’s probably why he continued to have campaign style “base rallies” after he won the 2016 election.
Many have said that Mr. Putin has fomented chaos, division, and discord in America with his disinformation campaign targeting the 2016 election. Many have said that Mr. Trump has fomented the same chaos, division, and discord within the U.S. They will tell you this is evidenced by his insensitive and divisive rhetoric and actions, and the fact that he caters only to his base. These people feel that just as Putin is hurting us from abroad, Mr. Trump is hurting us from his White House perch within our own sacred borders. In view of Mr. Mueller’s indisputable findings of Russian meddling in our election, I have repeatedly asked “where are the sanctions?” Does Mr. Trump need Mr. Putin’s approval before he invokes the sanctions that were overwhelmingly voted in by our Congress?  Does Trump not appear afraid of Putin? Why can’t he definitively state anti-Kremlin sentiments when it’s absolutely necessary? Again, why won’t he implement punishment(s) upon Russia when absolutely necessary? Why? Why? The standing of America in the world is being continually eroded and devalued while Mr. Trump embraces our enemies and alienates our friends. This just does not make sense. When will the real America stand up? Citizens and Congress, where are you?

1 comment:

  1. POTUS never will do what will put Russia in its place. Well written blog.
