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Sunday, March 18, 2018

Trump: The Innocent Man of Capitol Hill-Part-IV

(House Intelligence Committee-Trump-Nunes-Collusion)

March 12 2018

From jump street, Devin Nunes appeared to be “hell bent” on derailing the House Intelligence Committee’s investigation into possible Russia/Trump collusion. Today he succeeded. He shut down the investigation stating that there was no evidence of collusion but he didn’t tell the democrats on the committee. Democrats learned that the investigation was shut down from the media.

I have no doubt that Nunes and Trump colluded to hijack the House Intelligence Committee’s Russia probe in order to control the committee’s outcome and protect Donald Trump. What’s next, will the Republican majority attempt to hijack the entire U.S. Congress?

The shame about this House Intelligence Committee is that it was never truly bipartisan and that was a bad omen from the start.  The investigation began as a sham and ended as a sham. As I said, the committee found no Russia/Trump collusion. However, even the casual Capitol Hill observer knows that the committee’s conclusion was really a Republican majority conclusion.  Without a doubt, what America experienced here was the apparent and indisputable collusion between the Intelligence Committee and Mr. Trump, led by Trump’s point man, Chairman Devin Nunes.  From day one of the probe, you could see an all- consuming determination in Chairman Nunes’ very  eyes and in his overall demeanor as he initiated his dastardly task.   He acted as if his purpose was to deliver the goods for Donald Trump however daunting the task of controlling the probe’s outcome might become. That’s probably why he refused to acknowledge the input and opinions of the committee’s Democrat minority.  Later he delayed the Democrat’s rebuttal of The Nunes FBI/DOJ Memo. Following much scrutiny, criticism, and reviews initiated by the Republicans, the Democrat memo was finally released several days after the release of the Nunes Memo.  Many believe the impact of the Democratic Response Memo was considerably lessened because of the delay.

You can’t have a highly functioning, cohesive and efficient democracy that is controlled by the misguided ego of its leader and illegally implemented by his puppets. That is not a democracy.

Trump has demonstrated that he is a man who cares nothing about the people, but he endeavors every day to create the illusion of caring. He plays to his audience with the emphasis specifically on the word “plays”. This is important because he is very good at playing his audience, oftentimes appealing to their worst instincts. To many people his carefully crafted illusion of hope and caring becomes their truth.  They believe in him. Trump knows this and plays it to the hilt. As many great violinists’ love to play the high-quality Stradivarius violin, D.J. Trump loves to play the unsuspecting people.

Trump has shown that he possesses no moral compass.  However, when one tolerates his actions, in exchange for his false and empty promises, we must ask ourselves, where is our moral compass? Most of us haven’t lost our moral compass.  However, too many Americans have yet to reclaim theirs. 

Many of us are just “putting up” with Trump because, after all, he is the President However; we are discontent and must register our discontent in every election going forward through 2020.  Remember, Trump is a master of illusion who is very adept at colluding with key congressional enablers like Devin Nunes to save his hide and further his agenda.  To many of us his true agenda remains unclear and maybe, suspect.  

Despite his many lies, uncivil behavior, lawsuits, and all else, The Innocent Man of Capitol Hill is still trotting on. When will true justice prevail? When will he face the same type of justice that the rest of us would face, and some have already faced, under the same set of unenviable circumstances?  When?


  1. The article is informative.

  2. I agree with all that you have written. Keep the blogs coming.
