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Saturday, March 31, 2018

Time to Rethink: The Case for Acknowledging and Studying the UFO Phenomenon and Its Related Subjects

 March 28, 2018

(Before proceeding with this article, it’s essential to note that when I use the term UFO, I’m referring to aerial craft that are verifiably, or likely, not of earthly origin).

     The United States government does not openly acknowledge the existence of non-earthly humanoid piloted aircraft, extraterrestrial biological entities, or alien abduction. However, it was recently reported that former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid was secretly involved in the funding of a project that sought to investigate the subject of UFOs and extraterrestrial life at the cost to the taxpayers of about 22 million dollars.

     Prominent UFO researchers have repeatedly commented that the U.S. government has denied the existence of UFO’s, aliens, and alien abduction since the 1940’s, around the time of the infamous “Roswell” crash.  They say that following the Roswell crash, the government engaged in a continuous disinformation campaign designed to make the public believe that there is nothing to this UFO stuff.  Lt. Colonel Phillip Corso, U.S, Army, Ret. has confirmed this. However,  he really didn’t need to confirm government disinformation as it relates to UFOs because this is common knowledge in the UFO community. In fact, any sharp thinking person can see through the government’s facade by just exercising good common sense. The government has changed its Roswell story so many times that it’s not even funny! Just look at the record.

     In his bestseller entitled The Day After Roswell, Lt. Colonel Corso tells us that on behalf of our government, he parceled out extraterrestrial artifacts from the Roswell, New Mexico crash of 1947 to the government contractor sector for reverse engineering and development.  According to Colonel Corso, this eventually resulted in the development of such technology as fiber-optics, microchips, laser beams, and other reverse engineered technology-all of which is beneficial to us now.

     For years the U.S. government has been keeping its alien related discoveries and information “under wraps”.  It has been said that they do this to protect the public. They supposedly fear causing a public panic the likes of which we witnessed in the late 1930’s when the Orson Welles radio play called War of the Worlds aired. However, I don’t foresee Americans becoming unglued like that again in the 21st century because I believe our present-day citizenry have become conditioned over the years to the possibility, or probability, of extraterrestrial life.

     Anyone interested in the UFO phenomenon should take the opportunity to review the overwhelming evidence of the existence of UFOs as reported by investigative reporter Leslie Kean. In her well-researched and well-documented book entitled UFOs: Generals, Pilots, and Government Officials Go on the Record, several enormously credible professionals reported their personal encounters with UFOs. These high achievers are the exception, rather than the rule, because these types of personnel usually keep their strange UFO experiences private, fearing being ridiculed and laughed at. They also fear for their jobs. That’s why they traditionally stay quiet.

     Other well-known researchers, speakers, and writers such as Linda Moulton Howe, Richard Dolan, and others have contributed valuable work in the UFO field.  If one reviews their work one will understand the importance and validity of this area of study. The professional field of UFO research and serious study is not science fiction pursued by a bunch of crazies. It is a field consisting of many reliable and intelligent individuals who have dedicated much of their lives to finding and reporting the truth of what possible alien life lies beyond, and possibly right here on earth. Unfortunately, thrown in the mix of the above-mentioned stellar performers are some who push non fact based conspiracy theories and falsehoods to turn a quick buck. They mar the field for the good folks.

     There are also several UFO/abduction witnesses like Travis Walton, Whitley Strieber, and Betty and Barney Hill who have reported their first-hand encounters with extraterrestrial biological entities (EBE’s).

     Upon reviewing some of the quality research and personal experiences reported over the last 70 years, even the skeptic might realize, as I do, that the UFO/alien abduction phenomenon is real. It is as real as the history, science, and math that we formally study in our schools. In the vastness of the universe it just doesn’t seem reasonable to think that we are the only intelligent beings in that vast universe. According to Wikipedia:

“The Universe is all of space and time and their contents, including planets, stars, galaxies, and all other forms of matter and energy. While the spatial size of the entire Universe is still unknown, it is possible to measure the observable universe.”

Without getting too deep into the science of it all, let me just mention that the observable universe is about 93 billion light years in diameter, and a light year is about 5.88 trillion miles! I’ll leave you to do the math.  I have cited these figures in order to illustrate just how large the observable universe is.  That leaves the unobservable universe which we can’t observe and estimate with present-day technology. How vast might that be? Certainly there must be other intelligent beings out there based on probability alone. Doesn’t this provide enough motivation for us to take an interest in inquiring about the possibility of extraterrestrial life? In my opinion, it would be both prudent and responsible for government officials and academics to finally give the subjects of extraterrestrial biological entities, UFOs, and alien abduction serious open acknowledgement, study, and disclosure. It's time to rethink.

Author’s note:  Your sincere comments in the form of experiences, skepticism, etc., are welcomed and encouraged. Comments/Email buttons at end of posts.

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Trump: The Innocent Man of Capitol Hill-Part-IV

(House Intelligence Committee-Trump-Nunes-Collusion)

March 12 2018

From jump street, Devin Nunes appeared to be “hell bent” on derailing the House Intelligence Committee’s investigation into possible Russia/Trump collusion. Today he succeeded. He shut down the investigation stating that there was no evidence of collusion but he didn’t tell the democrats on the committee. Democrats learned that the investigation was shut down from the media.

I have no doubt that Nunes and Trump colluded to hijack the House Intelligence Committee’s Russia probe in order to control the committee’s outcome and protect Donald Trump. What’s next, will the Republican majority attempt to hijack the entire U.S. Congress?

The shame about this House Intelligence Committee is that it was never truly bipartisan and that was a bad omen from the start.  The investigation began as a sham and ended as a sham. As I said, the committee found no Russia/Trump collusion. However, even the casual Capitol Hill observer knows that the committee’s conclusion was really a Republican majority conclusion.  Without a doubt, what America experienced here was the apparent and indisputable collusion between the Intelligence Committee and Mr. Trump, led by Trump’s point man, Chairman Devin Nunes.  From day one of the probe, you could see an all- consuming determination in Chairman Nunes’ very  eyes and in his overall demeanor as he initiated his dastardly task.   He acted as if his purpose was to deliver the goods for Donald Trump however daunting the task of controlling the probe’s outcome might become. That’s probably why he refused to acknowledge the input and opinions of the committee’s Democrat minority.  Later he delayed the Democrat’s rebuttal of The Nunes FBI/DOJ Memo. Following much scrutiny, criticism, and reviews initiated by the Republicans, the Democrat memo was finally released several days after the release of the Nunes Memo.  Many believe the impact of the Democratic Response Memo was considerably lessened because of the delay.

You can’t have a highly functioning, cohesive and efficient democracy that is controlled by the misguided ego of its leader and illegally implemented by his puppets. That is not a democracy.

Trump has demonstrated that he is a man who cares nothing about the people, but he endeavors every day to create the illusion of caring. He plays to his audience with the emphasis specifically on the word “plays”. This is important because he is very good at playing his audience, oftentimes appealing to their worst instincts. To many people his carefully crafted illusion of hope and caring becomes their truth.  They believe in him. Trump knows this and plays it to the hilt. As many great violinists’ love to play the high-quality Stradivarius violin, D.J. Trump loves to play the unsuspecting people.

Trump has shown that he possesses no moral compass.  However, when one tolerates his actions, in exchange for his false and empty promises, we must ask ourselves, where is our moral compass? Most of us haven’t lost our moral compass.  However, too many Americans have yet to reclaim theirs. 

Many of us are just “putting up” with Trump because, after all, he is the President However; we are discontent and must register our discontent in every election going forward through 2020.  Remember, Trump is a master of illusion who is very adept at colluding with key congressional enablers like Devin Nunes to save his hide and further his agenda.  To many of us his true agenda remains unclear and maybe, suspect.  

Despite his many lies, uncivil behavior, lawsuits, and all else, The Innocent Man of Capitol Hill is still trotting on. When will true justice prevail? When will he face the same type of justice that the rest of us would face, and some have already faced, under the same set of unenviable circumstances?  When?

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Trump: The Innocent Man of Capitol Hill-Part III (Trump’s Peculiar Admiration for Dictators, Totalitarians, Despots, Strongmen)

February 24, 2018

Trump admires dictators, totalitarian leaders, despots, and strongmen. He openly praised Kim Jung Un for his uncanny ability to successfully inherit the reins of power from his deceased totalitarian father, despite his youth and being surrounded by elder ambitious career military strongmen. He demurely sidled-up to the Philippine dictator Duterte greeting him as if he was a long-missed ally. He extolled the virtues of Vladimir Putin saying that he is a greater leader than our own past-president Barack Obama. This remark not only demeaned our former president but our nation as well.

But wait, who have I been talking about? It’s not the President Donald J. Trump depicted by his supporters as an honest man of impeccable integrity who respects every man and every woman. To them he has been given a “bum rap” and that none of the serious transgressions leveled against him have ever been proven in a court of law. They say he never denigrates or disrespects any one and that his accusers always falsely accuse him of all sorts of foul things without any basis in fact. According to a lot of his staunch supporters, Mr. Trump has high regard for all of our allies and treats them accordingly-that is, with the highest reverence. Among many of them, he is a man of unquestioned, I mean, unquestionable character. He is a great man of verifiable innocence who reigns, I mean serves as The Innocent Man of Capitol Hill.

Trump likes rallying the crowds of his cheering supporters. He loves the pomp and circumstance of large parades and he would love to show-case the military might of our great land and air power. In this light opponents have said he is reminiscent of Hitler or Mussolini. Many well-meaning and thoughtful  Americans prefer to view Trump through the powerful looking lens of “common sense”. Exercising common sense, they fear that his uncontrolled temperament and his erratic policies will someday lead us into oblivion. Others say he loves and cares for us all and there is not a selfish bone in his body; that his only desire is to make America great again.

There is so much conflicting and confusing stuff surrounding Donald J. Trump that it’s not funny. As we go forward, it would be prudent to keep a keen eye on Trump.  We must not allow his many infractions to be overlooked, forgiven, or to go unpunished. The rule of law must always prevail for all Americans.

 Americans should never surrender to the questionable motives of Donald Trump.

As Americans we must reclaim our great heart, soul and common sense. Given the history of the Trump Administration thus far, common sense suggests that eventually, we must rebuke The Innocent Man of Capitol Hill so that the majority of our citizens can breathe freely again! History has shown the folly of citizens who stand idly by and allow themselves to fall prey to the whims of those who seek good for only themselves.

Monday, March 12, 2018

Trump: The Innocent Man of Capitol Hill-Part II (Mr. Trump’s Devaluation of America)


February 17, 2018
Donald J. Trump has devalued the very essence of what America is and what we have stood for and bled for since 1776. We should not encourage him any further. He doesn’t care about America. He cares about Donald Trump and the Trump brand. He appears to be trying to rebrand America in the Trump image.
We know that historically, U.S. presidential campaign opponents would fight it out hard on the campaign trail. However, once the election was won, the loser would concede and the winner would unify the country-treating all Americans as one. When Mr. Trump won the election he said he wanted to unify the country. However, he did very little to bring that into fruition. It seems that once he won the Electoral College and was inaugurated as President, he lost all interest in unifying the country by bringing diverse groups into the Trump Camp. He already had the support of about 35 to 40 percent of the country and he probably thought that was enough to solidify his presidency. If the goal is power and division, you don’t really need to have the majority of the citizen’s support. All you need is enough “support citizenry” to “raise hell” on your behalf when and if necessary. That’s probably why he continued to have campaign style “base rallies” after he won the 2016 election.
Many have said that Mr. Putin has fomented chaos, division, and discord in America with his disinformation campaign targeting the 2016 election. Many have said that Mr. Trump has fomented the same chaos, division, and discord within the U.S. They will tell you this is evidenced by his insensitive and divisive rhetoric and actions, and the fact that he caters only to his base. These people feel that just as Putin is hurting us from abroad, Mr. Trump is hurting us from his White House perch within our own sacred borders. In view of Mr. Mueller’s indisputable findings of Russian meddling in our election, I have repeatedly asked “where are the sanctions?” Does Mr. Trump need Mr. Putin’s approval before he invokes the sanctions that were overwhelmingly voted in by our Congress?  Does Trump not appear afraid of Putin? Why can’t he definitively state anti-Kremlin sentiments when it’s absolutely necessary? Again, why won’t he implement punishment(s) upon Russia when absolutely necessary? Why? Why? The standing of America in the world is being continually eroded and devalued while Mr. Trump embraces our enemies and alienates our friends. This just does not make sense. When will the real America stand up? Citizens and Congress, where are you?

Trump: The Innocent Man of Capitol Hill-Part I (The Russian Investigation That Was Not Necessary)


February 10, 2018

The Mueller Special Investigation wasn’t even necessary, and I’ll tell you why.  All Trump had to do to dispel the whole Russian collusion thing was to confront the Justice Department head-on by saying “there was and is no Trump/Russian collusion and my staff and I are willing to testify on oath to that right now!” That is, if Trump and his cronies had nothing to hide. Instead, from the beginning he has been stonewalling, lying and firing all officials blocking the removal of the Special Counsel. For someone who constantly boasts his innocence, Trump has continually acted anything but innocent.

In an earlier article entitled “Trump the Chump” I recalled that Trump “fired Acting Attorney General Sally Yates. He then followed-up with the firing of U.S. Attorney General Preet Bharara and FBI Director, James Comey. He also went after Attorney General Jeff Sessions, but that didn’t work out supposedly because Sessions’ capital on Capitol Hill exceeded Trump’s.  All of these government professionals had the potential to impact his business and/or legal interests.”

When are we all going to wake up and see the truth? This pertains especially to Trump’s Republican enablers on Capitol Hill.

In the same previous article I referred to the president as a “Pied Piper.” This man will lead us to the water and drown us all unless we all confront him and make sure he is brought to justice regarding his many alleged misdeeds. We cannot continue to allow Trump’s Capitol Hill team mates to shelter him in the name of politics. This is beyond partisan politics! It is totally about protecting and preserving our government so that we can be trusted and revered at home and abroad again.

Trump supporters will tell you that he’s a good man. They will tell you that he delivers on what he says he will deliver on. They will say that he’s a good man of basic honesty and integrity. Sure, at times, they say, he may exaggerate a little, but that’s ok-nothing major. Surprisingly, many Trump supporters don’t see him as being disrespectful of foes and others. Rather, they see him as being assertive in a positive way.  In response to Don Lemon’s question on the possibility of Trump racism, Trump told him he is not a racist.  However, when one looks at Trump’s, history, a different image emerges. Consider his condemnation of the Central Park Five, the minority youngsters who were eventually exonerated of the rape of a white woman in New York’s Central Park. Recall his saying that there were good people on both sides in Charlottesville, Va. where on one side citizens were protesting for equality while protestors on the other side were violently beating people up and shouting “Jews will not replace us.”

Non Trump supporters are not so easy to dismiss his behavior. They realize that terms like “little Marco”, “lying Ted”, “Crooked Hillary” and “sons of bitches” are not reminiscent of terms used by traditional U.S. presidential candidates or U.S. presidents in the public arena. These terms are degrading and irresponsible. But it’s not only this. Mr. Trump has alienated some of our international friends and allies.  Yet he tenderly embraces our major foe of several decades. What is the real reason why he continually refuses to invoke sanctions on Russia in direct opposition to the recommendations of his own Congress? Why does he not overtly condemn this man about his interference in the last U.S. election? Why does Trump twist himself into a pretzel rather than say something bad about this man? With Donald Trump everyone is “fair game”, except Mr. Putin. Why? Why? What is the special relationship between Mr. Putin and The Innocent Man of Capitol Hill?  All Trump had to do from the beginning was to proclaim his innocence and his total campaign’s innocence, prove it, that would have ended the whole thing! But here we are over one year later and though innocence has been proclaimed, Trump has submitted no undisputable proof of innocence whatsoever.                                    

Trump the Chump

January, 2018

Well, Mr. Mueller is still searching for answers.  What indeed did the Trump campaign do with the Russians?  Did they conspire with the Russians or were the various Russian meetings just innocent contacts designed to strengthen our diplomatic ties with an important foreign nation? With this in mind, a question arises. Why did the various Trump people choose to lie about these meetings, especially in an environment where so many Americans were questioning the possibility of actual “collusion” between the Trump campaign and Putin?

Trump has continually denied any improper association with the Russians yet he continues to plant “doubt” about his veracity in the minds of many. He always acts as if he is hiding something and trying to cover his tracks on the Russian issue. Remember, he fired Acting Attorney General Sally Yates. He then followed-up with the firing of U.S. Attorney General Preet Bharara and FBI Director, James Comey. He also went after Attorney General Jeff Sessions, but that didn’t work out supposedly because Sessions’ capital on Capitol Hill exceeded Trump’s.  All of these government professionals had the potential to impact his business and/or legal interests.

From his presidential campaign through his presidency thus far, Mr. Trump has been the source of countless verifiable misstatements and lies. He does not seem to be as interested in unifying the country as he is in playing to his base and keeping them loyally “on-the-hook”. He is their pied piper and his keen supporters are following him to the wherever, leaning on his promises, trusting his promises.

Where will Trump lead us? No one really knows. He just scored a win with the passage of his tax reform package. However, he seemed more interested in a major 2017 legislative win than increasing an already excessively high deficit by another 1.5 trillion bucks. I guess in Trump’s mind, “A win is a win; we’ll worry about the deficit later.”  He probably figured that when workers see more money in their paychecks, they may show their appreciation at the ballot box in favor of the Republicans. Is this his idea of a calculated tradeoff?  With the passage of tax reform Trump won the day at the eleventh hour. However there are still many serious unresolved issues that are facing Trump.  The continuing Mueller probe may result in litigation against his staff, his family, and himself. There are several past business suits and sexual misconduct claims that are still outstanding. In addition there is the North Korean problem and other world issues that can become time consuming crises. Also, Trump’s style of governing does not play well domestically or internationally and this may well affect his ability to effectively get important things done. Many people have said that his credibility is shattered both at home and abroad. With all of this, and more, Trump faces an uphill battle.

Come summer or fall, we’ll see if Trump is still polling high among his most loyal supporters.  Will they finally see him as most of the world has learned to see him—as Trump the Chump, with a most tenuous political and personal future, or will they continue to be deluded by this champion of delusion?